Ok, so I'm kind of worried about doing this...for lack of interest maybe? And then I'll be embarrassed that I even shared my idea. Hopefully it works though. What am I talking about? Well, how about 25 Days of Recipes? (Or less, depending on the interest.) So let me explain myself, I was inspired by looking at this blog (this post specifically). Mine is going to be a little different from hers though, but here we go, I'll get to the point...
I would like anyone and everyone who would like to share a Christmas recipe to email me (anything that is good for Winter and the Christmas Season). Send me a picture of the final product and/or step by step pictures if you want. I thought this would be a great way to get your name out there (b/c I'd like to share the link to your website/blog you're associated w/, you do not have to have a cooking blog) and also it'll help everyone w/ meals during the Christmas Holiday. They can consist of Christmas Breakfast ideas, Lunch, Appetizers, the main Christmas dinner (including Main dish and sides) and Desserts. As long as it's related to Christmas in any way, feel free to share. I'll then decide to split up the recipes one a day (or a couple a week, depending on interest). So, tell your friends, family or do it yourself! I'd love to get everyone/anyone involved! If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll answer as soon as possible. I'd like to get this started December 1st...so let's get those emails coming!
{If I feature you on my blog, please feel free to grab a button below and share it on your blog.}

So, what do you need to do?

{If I feature you on my blog, please feel free to grab a button below and share it on your blog.}

<a href="http://www.brittsapron.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww179/brittlong/25DaysofChristmas-2.jpg" alt="http://www.brittsapron.blogspot.com" width="125" height="125" /></a>
So, what do you need to do?
- Become a Follower of Britt's Apron and grab a Button
- Email me at BrittsApron@gmail.com and include an:
- Introduction (about yourself , the recipe and anything else you'd like to include)
- Blog/website address (optional)
- Picture/pictures of the final product
- and of course the Recipe
- **Just thought of this...Please include a picture of yourself, but only if you want. I think it's nice to put a face to the name.
I really hope this works out! Please, please, please share w/ us! I'd love for this to be a huge success and maybe even something you'll see again in the future.
***If you would like to do this, but don't know what you want to share, go ahead and let me know that you're interested and when you think you'd like to share, so I can put your name down.
***If you don't have anything to share, but know someone who would like to, please tell them about my 25 Days of Recipes.
***If you would like to do this, but don't know what you want to share, go ahead and let me know that you're interested and when you think you'd like to share, so I can put your name down.
***If you don't have anything to share, but know someone who would like to, please tell them about my 25 Days of Recipes.

Sounds fun! Count me in for a breakfast idea. :-)
I'm searching for a good recipe...!!
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