Welcome to Day 20 of 25 Days of Recipes! Can you believe we are only 5 days away from Christmas?! Wow! This month is flying by! Today I have my good, good friend Lindsey. Remember Joe, from Day 14? Well Joe is Lindsey's hubby. Well she offered to share another yummy Pumpkin recipe, you can never, EVER, have too many of those. Lindsey and I have been best friends since we were 12 and 13 years old (she's about a year younger). We were inseparable...until I went off to college and a year later she decided she wanted to go to a different school :( But, that didn't stop us from staying in touch, visiting eachother, and a little later, finding and marrying best friends! It's the perfect set-up. If only they hadn't moved to AZ...good thing my hubby's parents live there now too, and Joe's parents still live here in UT! More of a reason to go/come and visit!
Take it Away Lindsey:
Hey I am Lindsey! There is not much to say about myself. I was born and raised in Tennessee. I love Tennessee football. I am a mother to a cute, little, crazy, three year old boy! I wouldn't say I love to cook, but I do enjoy baking. My husband tells me I am the reason he is gaining weight:) I also love to try new recipes!
As far as food goes...I LOVE anything pumpkin! This recipe is from my husband's family. His Mom makes some great desserts! The first time she made this cake I was hooked! It became one of my favorites, I am so glad she shared this recipe with me. It is by no means healthy but it sure is tasty!
Pumpkin Cake
1 15 oz can pumpkin
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 12 oz can evaporated milk
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
1 yellow cake mix
1 cup butter
Mix all the ingredients together EXCEPT the yellow cake mix and butter. Pour into a 9X13 pan. Sprinkle yellow cake mix over the top of the mixture. Pour 2 sticks (1 cup) of melted butter over the yellow cake mix. Bake at 350 for an hour.
Thanks Lindsey! Enjoy!

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