Welcome to Day 18 of 25 Days of Recipes. Our guest today is Jennifer, from Day 11. Remember she shared her Sausage Ring Recipe. Thanks Jennifer for sending in another yummy, easy recipe!
Take it Away Jennifer:
This recipe is ridiculously easy, but oh so good!
Rolo Pretzel Delights
A bag of Rolos
A bag of tiny pretzels
Preheat your oven to 350
On a cookie sheet, place a piece of wax paper/parchment paper.
Count the Rolos in your bag.
Take that number and place that many pretzels onto your cookie sheet.
Unwrap all of the Rolos and place one on each pretzel.
Heat in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Just long enough for the Rolos to be soft.
Pull out of the oven and place another pretzel on top of the Rolo and push down.
Let cool completely!
Thanks Jennifer! Enjoy!

I also make these but instead of another pretzel on top, I squish a pecan onto the top of the warm rolo. Both Delish ways:)
Kristen! Welcome :) And just you wait for tomorrow's recipe, hint hint
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