Monday, July 16, 2012


Welcome again to our Daily Dish and Good Things Utah Viewers! Thanks for stopping by to check out Britt's Apron! I'm so excited that I was able to be on the show today and share 2 of my favorite Desserts: Momma's Southern Banana Pudding and Oreo Cheesecake Balls. I like to think ALL of my recipes are Mommy friendly. So, take a minute to check out other recipes available, there are a lot, and leave a comment letting me know you stopped by! 

Check me out on The Daily Dish here:

Check me out on Good Things Utah here:


  1. I can't believe how comfortable and confident you are on TV. You are my inspiration:)!!!


Thanks for your comments, they're much appreciated! If you don';t hear back from me, make sure your no-reply setting is disabled! I always try to write back!